March 1, 2012

Eleven things...3

I saw this on my friend Annies blog,So i thought i'd post and share. Its a very cute idea! Enjoy<3

There are five rules:
1. Post these rules.
2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 random things.
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post.
4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
5. Go to their blog/twitter and tell them you've tagged them.

1// I have OCD someting fierce,Its gotta a lil better since i had Taylor. But everything in my house has 
to be cleaned a certain way,Organized a certain way. It drives people insane.But thats just me.

2//I like to color in coloring books,and now that Taylors learning to,its even better.

3//I could eat fruits and veggies all the time. Like live on them..Im not a BIG meat eater,but i will no pass on a steak salad with corn on the cob in it..

4// I love to Bake! Cookies,Cakes and anything you can think of..I love baking. Ive always spent alot of time in the kitchen..No much of a cooker,but im learning..My mother is one amazing cook/baker..So i'd love to follow in her footsteps.

5// I dropped out of high school the 2nd week of my Junior year,after we moved to brownsville,My gram got terribly ill and it was either put her in a nursing home for her to passaway soon..or me stay home and care for her,and that was my choice. My mother couldnt afford to stop working.So i took on the responsablities of caring for her..she lived a year and a half after that. I do not regret my choice,she raised me i owed her.

6// I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter,Taylor. About 6 months after her i had a miscarriage and my partner laughed at me.So i decided nomore children for me..She is enough<3 shes my world anyways.

7// I have two brothers,everyone thinks i have one because i do not speak of Jason often.But hes my half-brother.(My dads son).
My brother Jason & his beautiful girlfriend Amber. This is who i look like...if my hair was its natural color =]!

8// My parents divorced when i was 4. Everyone says you dont remember much from your child hood i remember pretty much everything and theres times i wish i didnt =[.

9//My grandmother(My dads mom) disowned me when i had Taylor,because i had her out of wedlock..shes old fashioned...So Taylor doesnt know her,I barley do too...My PapPap Jack is rolling in his grave im sure.

10// I'd love cats,I will be that crazy cat lady with a tons of cats when im 80..Ive always loved them.I used to rescue kittens and hurt cats when i was younger and take care of them..Now i have my 2 furbabys and they are like my other children.

11// My mother is my best friend,altho she did not really raise me.Shes been there so much for me in the last few years..has helped me thru the darkest times in my life..and helps take care of Taylor because i have some issues that some days i just cannot i know a mother shouldnt say that..but i have days where its hard to get out of bed..But i love my mother & daughter with every beat of my heart..Forever!

Annies Questions!

1\\ What's your favorite TV show? Once Upon A Time

2\\ Do you believe in forgiveness? Depeneds on who/what needs forgiving.

3\\ What are you wearing today?Still in my fancy PeeJays,its a lazy/clean house sort of day.Also im still sick.

4\\ What is your guilty pleasure?Oooo Chocolate && Metal(Of mice & Men lately lol)

5\\ If there you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be?Anywhere that its sunny and warm all year round. Or maybe Ireland

6\\ Salty or sweet? Both =]

7\\ What is something that you've always wanted to try to do but have been afraid or nervous? Skydiving.Terrifed of highs and freefalling.

8\\ What's the most cherished and valuable thing you own?I have an old antique pin that was my great grammas,its needs some TLC but i cherish it. Also,my pap-pap bought me a snowglobe right before he passed.

9\\ If you could change your name, what would you change it to?Never really thought about it.

10\\ One goal that you want to accomplish this year is ______? Pass my GED,and start taking college classes online.

11\\ What makes "you" you? Im just myself i suppose,laid back and simple!

My Questions For You!
1//What's your favorite color??
2//St.Patricks Day or St.Valentines Day
3//If you had to choose one food to eat the rest of your life,what would it be?
4//What are you listening to right this second?
5//Where is your favorite place to be?
6//What is the one thing your looking forward to in the future?
7//Why do you blog?
8//What is your ideal job?
9//Biggest pet  peeve online && in real life?
10//Where would you LOVE to travel?
11//If you had to spend the rest of your life with one person,who would that be?

Enjoy Kids!

I dont have very many people to Tag...Sooo I Tag:: Lindsey

**And if you fell like doing this,your more than welcome to!

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